
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with numerous web platforms, each with their own quirks and features. Some CMS platforms I have worked with include Shopify, BigCommerce, WordPress, Odoo, and Magento. While skill level among these varies, familiarity goes a long way when establishing workflows and understanding advantages and limitations. Keep reading for some of my most recent web-related work.

Mob Armor Website migration

Mob Armor // Fall 2024


In an push to increase D2C sales with advertising and retargeting, as well as a slew of new product launches on the horizon, a new e-commerce platform was needed. While a seamless mobile experience was the main goal, having  refined product pages, category sorting, faster and flexible checkout, as well as compatibility and scalability with other marketing programs were requirements as well. With the holiday shopping season fast approaching, there was a firm deadline to launch in early November.

The Process

As a whole, the Mob Armor brand was in the process of distancing itself from its off-road roots, and brand itself as more of an all-around, every day device accessory company. Creating a brighter, flatter, and more modern web experience was part of this transition. Inspiration was drawn from modern e-commerce sites like Sonos, Thuma, GoPro, Fossil, and more.

A common pain point in previous Mob Armor websites was explaining the simplicity and versatility of the products in the short time a visitor is typically on a page. While in-person, it clicks easily, online it can be difficult to convey. The prominent use of bright, common-situation lifestyle imagery at every point of the purchase journey helps with this, as well as strategic video placement and product callouts.

Tools used

The website was created using the Shopify platform, with a paid theme and plugins. A customized connector from Shopify to Odoo (internal ERP) was installed with the help of developers. Custom metaobjects were used to create seamless, consistent information across all product pages and beyond. Content was a combination of existing imagery as well as newly designed assets.


Since launch, the impacts were immediately noticeable. Conversion rates, compared to the same period last year, increased from low 2% to high 3%. Shortly after launch was the notorious Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale period, with sales nearly doubling compared to the past two years and conversion rates in the high 5%. Other notable early impacts were high utilization of express checkout, less time spent from initial contact to purchase, as well as higher average order value.

WheelyBug Microsite

Prince Lionheart // Spring 2020


In conjunction with a small-market test of a singular product television ad spot, launch a refined microsite with the product – a wheeled riding toy for children – to increase conversions and create a singular return point for retargeting advertisements.

The Process

As a microsite, the scope of the project was relatively small. This allowed for more time to take a deliberate and directed approach to the design and layout of the website - by only having one product (with a few styles), there was plenty of room to tell the whole story of the Wheelybug. Creating a fun, inviting website that invokes the feeling of childhood fun, as well as the security of a well-built product was paramount.

Tools used

The website was created using the Shopify platform, utilizing only free templates and plugins to keep project costs at a minimum. Imagery was a combination of existing content, as well as new studio images and Photoshop assets.


While the small market television ad was short-lived, the Wheelybug website remained in use for the next few months until the product was sold out. The product is now sold on the main Prince Lionheart website, as well as numerous other online and brick and mortar retailers.

Amazon A+ Content

Amazon is a beast of its own. Between their ever changing policies, highly competitive marketplace, and strict content guidelines, learning how to market successfully on Amazon is not a small feat. Part of their available graphical content tools is A+ Content – the infographic-like content you see when you scroll down the product page a bit. It allows the seller to break free of the typical buy box layout and showcase their product in a more brand-centric way. Over the years, I have created A+ Content for numerous products, ranging from baby products to office supplies. While some content is required to get going (images, product features, branding), there is plenty of design work needed to lay out the content and tell the story of the product and the brand – all while following Amazon’s strict content guidelines.